Friday, September 3, 2010


Hello, is anybody there. . .there. . . there? 
I was thinking that school started and I have some "extra" time.  (Extra meaning: I still have three small children and a kindergartner at home. Okay, so not a whole lot.)  I did enjoy reading and writing. . .with no arithmetic. Lame, I know, but I'd find time to do it again IF anyone is interested???

If nobody is, I suppose I could clean my house.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

You may be interested in this...

You like to write? Do you have 4 hours on Thursday you can devote to writing after the kids go to bed?

There are some great prizes for a write-a-thon that Writing on the Wall is hosting.

Click here to check it out.

Spread the word.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Writing Assignment

April is here, so it's time for a new assignment. I promise I'll actually participate this time, since this was my idea and all.

I've decided that I'm like a lot of you where it's more enjoyable to write about myself, so that's what we're going to do- write about yourselves, not about me. Since today is April Fools, lets write about something funny. It can be something from your childhood or something more recent. Whatever. Just make sure you don't just say what happened. Make it a story with dialogue and description- all that creative writing stuff.

Your assignments will be due any time during the month. Have fun!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Plan

I'm not going to lie. I've been avoiding this blog. I totally dropped the ball, and I apologize. I don't know what happened. I think I lost my excitement for this prospect, and then my creative attention was diverted to other outlets. But I'm not going to leave you guys hanging. I have a plan.

I think doing a writing assignment every two weeks is too much for me. I think the pressure was too overwhelming, so I quit. That tells you a little bit about me and how I react to hard things. It's something I'll hopefully one day overcome. For now, lets make the assignments monthly. That sound okay?

Since April isn't here quite yet, I'll post April's assignment next week, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'll start this like W.A. (Writers Anonymous) Hi my name is Kelly. . .now you may say, "Hi Kelly."  I smile and try to tell you how I got here.  The truth is I NEED an outlet and this sounded like fun.  I haven't written since high school either so hopefully I can remember how.
Homework 1
Lawyer: Could you tell us a little bit about the Cabin and your Mother and Father?

Jess: Ma ain't never let us wander far from the "Hut".  We was always inside, trying to hide from Pa.  He was cordial when we'd see him in court, but Ma knew it was only a matter o' time 'fore he'd find us.

Me an' my sister Katie lived upstairs.  We loved best the view from our winder.  We'd seen two coon's climbing the tree out the winder and got an idea.  Katie was just small enough to fit through the winder and reach the branch of the tree.  She sneeked out that window an' got her first kiss. We found out frogs ain't magical in them parts.  We still laugh 'bout how sneaky and silly we was.  Ma never even knew.

Lawyer: Go on.

Jess:  I can still smell the bacon Ma always cooked on Sundeys.  We got bacon an' flat cakes every Sundey, rain or shine.  Mr Brown the neighbor up Pike hill raised pigs and Ma would trade baked goods for his delicious pigs. I think we got bacon cause you could smell it on us when we went to church and Ma wanted to impress the preacher.  He was nice, but Ma never really had no good taste for men.  Never would 'mount to much anyways 'cause we'd be movin' soon. We always did.

Lawyer:  What about your Father?

Jess: Pa was. . .well. . .he weren't exactly 'round much when we was kids.  When he did come he was always liquored up and such.  Ma said he was an angel sober an' the devil drunk.  I ain't never seen an angel but, I can't imagine Pa with wings.  Horns suit him better I'd suppose.  Anyways, Ma was tired of getting black eyes, so we moved.  Six times we moved, but Pa always knowed where we was.  When we found the "Hut" he didn't find us for two whole years. Luck runned out, an' the Sheriff gived Ma papers to sign.  She knew Pa wouldn't be long after.  It was just a matter o' time.

Lawyer: What about the trenches around the cabin?

Jess:  It was a wet year and the cellar was plum full of water.  That's when Ma had one o' them socials and telled the people we was fillin' up with water in the cellar.  Lot's of neighbors came to eat Ma's cookin' and do their Christian duty by diggin' a trench where Ma needed.

Lawyer:  What happened the night of your fathers accident?

Jess:  Me an' Katie was in bed an' heard someone pounding on the door.  It was Pa and he was in one of his moods.  I remember all the yellin'. Kate wanted to run, but the climbing tree was tooken when they digged the trenches. I don't recollect what happened next 'cept Ma said we had to move again.  She was shushin' us and it was real dark.  Ma said we couldn't light the candle cause it'd be light soon enough.  I do remember Pa laying on the floor sleepin' when we left. The other lawyer told me he weren't sleepin' and he blessed Ma's heart.

Lawyer:  Thank you Jess, that will be all.  You may go and sit with Katie.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homework #1 (do I get docked for being late)? :)

Secluded from the modern day world, it exists in a world of tranquility.  It is surrounded by lush green foilage and an occasional splash of color.  There is a river called Bountiful.  Pristine and untainted it flows-more like a stream-through the forest, bringing life all around.  A family of black bears visit occasionally to have a hearty meal of fish.  Herds of deer and racoons abound.  Birds of all species share their hearts-a sound words cannot describe.

Next to the cabin is a garden full of herbs and vegetables.  Rain is the main source of water, but the river helps.  The garden is plentiful, enough to feed many and it does. 

Inside the cabin, there is a small kitchen and a big wooden table.  In the loft there is a bed.  A collection from far away travels adorns every corner.  Pictures and keepsakes treasured are there to remind him of the life he has lived.  An armchair sits, facing the back window.  There are many books.  It is filled with memories.  There is love.

A man lives there.  He tills and takes care of the garden.  He is almost as old as the cabin.  It was theirs a long time ago; he is trying to restore what was once their home.  They built it together in harder times.  They had their children there.  They left to make a better living for their family.

The man is strong and intelligent, yet humble and simple.  Wanting for nothing he is grateful for all he has and all he has been given.  He works wonders with his hands, crafting works of beauty with precision and skill.  He has lived a life of integrity and love. 

He misses his wife of fifty years.  After she passed, he abandoned the rush of the world for simplicity once again.  He yearned to be back where he could think...remember.  He wanted to be back where he could feel her the most. 

Though the man is old in years, his heart is young.  He has rugged hands and plenty of wrinkles, yet he gives all that he has.  He gives his harvest to those with nothing.  He spends his time blessing the lives of others with his knowledge and talent.  When visitors comes, he does all he can to make them comfortable and give them what they need.

This is a man who understands what life is all about.  She helped him realize the purpose.  He has taken what life has given him and made the most out of it.  A man refined by trial, emerging victorious, he is ready to meet his maker where his life really began all those years ago.