I'll start this like W.A. (Writers Anonymous) Hi my name is Kelly. . .now you may say, "Hi Kelly." I smile and try to tell you how I got here. The truth is I NEED an outlet and this sounded like fun. I haven't written since high school either so hopefully I can remember how.
Homework 1
Lawyer: Could you tell us a little bit about the Cabin and your Mother and Father?
Jess: Ma ain't never let us wander far from the "Hut". We was always inside, trying to hide from Pa. He was cordial when we'd see him in court, but Ma knew it was only a matter o' time 'fore he'd find us.
Me an' my sister Katie lived upstairs. We loved best the view from our winder. We'd seen two coon's climbing the tree out the winder and got an idea. Katie was just small enough to fit through the winder and reach the branch of the tree. She sneeked out that window an' got her first kiss. We found out frogs ain't magical in them parts. We still laugh 'bout how sneaky and silly we was. Ma never even knew.
Lawyer: Go on.
Jess: I can still smell the bacon Ma always cooked on Sundeys. We got bacon an' flat cakes every Sundey, rain or shine. Mr Brown the neighbor up Pike hill raised pigs and Ma would trade baked goods for his delicious pigs. I think we got bacon cause you could smell it on us when we went to church and Ma wanted to impress the preacher. He was nice, but Ma never really had no good taste for men. Never would 'mount to much anyways 'cause we'd be movin' soon. We always did.
Lawyer: What about your Father?
Jess: Pa was. . .well. . .he weren't exactly 'round much when we was kids. When he did come he was always liquored up and such. Ma said he was an angel sober an' the devil drunk. I ain't never seen an angel but, I can't imagine Pa with wings. Horns suit him better I'd suppose. Anyways, Ma was tired of getting black eyes, so we moved. Six times we moved, but Pa always knowed where we was. When we found the "Hut" he didn't find us for two whole years. Luck runned out, an' the Sheriff gived Ma papers to sign. She knew Pa wouldn't be long after. It was just a matter o' time.
Lawyer: What about the trenches around the cabin?
Jess: It was a wet year and the cellar was plum full of water. That's when Ma had one o' them socials and telled the people we was fillin' up with water in the cellar. Lot's of neighbors came to eat Ma's cookin' and do their Christian duty by diggin' a trench where Ma needed.
Lawyer: What happened the night of your fathers accident?
Jess: Me an' Katie was in bed an' heard someone pounding on the door. It was Pa and he was in one of his moods. I remember all the yellin'. Kate wanted to run, but the climbing tree was tooken when they digged the trenches. I don't recollect what happened next 'cept Ma said we had to move again. She was shushin' us and it was real dark. Ma said we couldn't light the candle cause it'd be light soon enough. I do remember Pa laying on the floor sleepin' when we left. The other lawyer told me he weren't sleepin' and he blessed Ma's heart.
Lawyer: Thank you Jess, that will be all. You may go and sit with Katie.
VERY well done. You haven't written since high school? Well, that jerst ain't right girl. Loved "We found out frogs ain't magical in them parts". So fun to read!
Keep going! I want to know what happens next.
Holy cow! That's the start of a very interesting story. Amazing job!
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