Friday, September 3, 2010


Hello, is anybody there. . .there. . . there? 
I was thinking that school started and I have some "extra" time.  (Extra meaning: I still have three small children and a kindergartner at home. Okay, so not a whole lot.)  I did enjoy reading and writing. . .with no arithmetic. Lame, I know, but I'd find time to do it again IF anyone is interested???

If nobody is, I suppose I could clean my house.


Marianne said...

I feel so lame. I'm the genius who wanted to start this in the first place, and I got a little sidetraced by other interests. I can be so flaky that way. Anyway, if you'd like to post a topic or them to write about, do it! I think I'm more likely to participate if I'm not in charge and don't feel like I have to. Does that make sense?

The Kelly Variety said...

Ya, I know exactly what you mean! Which is why it was so nice to have you in charge. I am committing to nothing because I can be a bit flaky myself. But. . .because of this blog I have written a book and I am waiting for it to be illustrated.
I'm not saying it's going to be published or anything, but I did enjoy the writing process.
So, what if I said I will if you will? Or I dare ~ no no ~ double dare you? Once a month in Sept. Oct. Nov. Is anybody up to that challenge?

Andrea said...

Wait, what? Kelly (is your name kelly, or is that your last name...?)wrote a book? Wow! Tell you what: you write, I'll read. Once a month. You up for THAT?